Update from 8/21 Community Meeting

A photo of the inside of Church of the Epiphany in Tempe Arizona full of people at the 8/21/2024 community meeting

Full house for the 8/21/2024 community meeting

Dear Shalimar Neighbors & Friends,

We had great attendance (approximately 200 people) at last night’s community meeting. The City of Tempe Development and Zoning team were also there. I want to thank the board and our volunteers for their motivation and organization. Our efforts together made for a productive evening.

A photo of Shalimar Association Board members and volunteers in green shirts that say Save Shalimar!

Thank You Shalimar Association Board and Volunteers!

Strong opposition from the community to the current proposal (as you would expect) indicates that we are ready for next steps. We have officially launched our petition to challenge the rezoning of the property.

A key statement in our mission/vision that I will continue to reiterate: Work with all stakeholders to accomplish a win-win resolution that treats all concerned parties with dignity and respect, that results in mutual gains for all.

We are a community. Let’s strive to treat everyone with dignity and respect.

This is not about the current owners of the golf course. They have always been active in the community and have contributed much to the City of Tempe.

It is important that we make a strong effort to respect diversity of opinion, nurture empathy, and work toward an optimal solution.

I want to thank you for your support in advance as we progress towards a resolution.


Carl Streiff
Shalimar Association


Facebook: Save Shalimar
Instagram: saveshalimar

Tonight – 6pm! Save the Shalimar Golf Course


If you can’t attend, please click here to donate 🙂 

Oppose Rezoning the Shalimar Golf Course!

Meet neighbors, learn about the Shalimar strategy, and get involved. We can do it! 

Shalimar Neighborhood Community Meeting

August 21st – 6pm

Church of the Epiphany
2222 S. Price Road, Tempe, AZ 85282

Send a question, comment, or concern any time at info@saveshalimar.com

Save the Date! 8/21 at 6pm – Shalimar Neighborhood Meeting

Oppose Rezoning the Shalimar Golf Course!

Meet neighbors, learn about the Shalimar strategy, and get involved. We can do it! 

Shalimar Neighborhood Community Meeting

August 21st – 6pm

Church of the Epiphany
2222 S. Price Road, Tempe, AZ 85282

Send a question, comment, or concern any time at info@saveshalimar.com

The Shalimar Association Roots & Role

Developers have had their eyes on the Shalimar Golf Course for redevelopment since shortly after it opened. The first plan to erase the course was almost 45 years ago, the plan pictured above. But because of the relentless effort of a vocal neighborhood, the land has remained a golf course that provides open space, walking paths, meeting spaces, live music, dance lessons, family food trucks and so much more for the community.

The Shalimar Association unofficial archive is a stack of papers 3 feet high that documents how hard previous generations have worked to get us to this point. Tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of volunteer hours by generations of Tempe residents have been put into fighting to keep Shalimar green. While their fight is over, it is our turn to carry the torch and play our role in protecting this land from re-zoning.

The Hard Facts
A new developer now eyes the course with the sole goal of generating wealth while robbing the community of the green core it’s so rightfully named after. 

The hard-fought court battle that got us here expires Jan 1, 2025. After that date, there is no requirement for the land to be operated as a golf course. Very little would stand in the owner’s way from bulldozing the clubhouse, scraping the greens, and cutting down the trees. It is private property and we do recognize that.

While the owners do have rights within the confines of its current Agriculture zoning, they do not have the right to change the zoning. The current club owners purchased an AG zoned golf course and should have no expectation for rezoning to a higher density for a higher profit.

Homeowners, both old and new, invested in the Shalimar neighborhood knowing that a covenant was in place to maintain the golf course. Under pinning this covenant, is an AG zoning permitting just one home per acre. Neighborhood buyers were able to make an informed purchase or investments knowing that the golf course could continue as a green space or, in a worst-case scenario, could have extremely low-density development.

Their Plan

The developers hope the neighborhood stays silent and their plans are approved uncontested. They have the money, legal team, and development expertise to play in the gray and push through a lucrative self-serving rezoning that’s masqueraded as a solution to the â€śTempe housing problem” that provides the neighborhood with â€śgenerous open space” and â€śopportunity for community interaction” despite their plans showing a 90% reduction in green space and demolition of the club house & community facilities.

The current development plans, included as an exhibit, give you an idea of the density and reduced green space planned for your community. Note the erasing of the clubhouse to make room for a roundabout needed to funnel 1,100 parking spots worth of traffic to access the two and three story multifamily rental units and smaller single-family lots.

Our Plan & Your Part

The Shalimar Association alone will not be enough to stop this re-zoning & future high-density development. While the Mayor and a few city council members appear supportive, they will need to hear from all of us in a big way. The Shalimar Association’s primary focus is to organize the community and provide opportunities to show up in force & convey that this project does not serve the community, but rather line the pockets of a select few investors. 

Make no mistake, this is a now-or-never situation, and we would like to pull out all the stops. We know this neighborhood is passionate about stopping this development and need your help!

Volunteer Opportunities

The Shalimar Association is actively seeking volunteers from the community in various ways to help our cause.

If you or someone you know can volunteer their time and skills in any of these areas, please reach out via email to info@saveshalimar.com

  • Website management and design
  • Social Media
  • Data Management
  • Environmental impact specialist – wildlife, trees, paving impacts etc
  • Rezoning law or campaign experience
  • Legal support
  • Branding and design for t-shirts, signs, etc.
  • General Communications Support
    • Newspaper Reporting
    • Editorial letters
    • City Council letters
    • Neighborhood outreach for rezoning meetings, petitions, and awareness 

Status Update – August 2024

Supporters of Shalimar Golf Course –

Developers have submitted a preliminary plan for redeveloping the Shalimar Golf Course property. This includes the complete removal of the golf course, restaurant and bar, high-density multi-story housing, and a virtual elimination of all the precious green space that is a treasure of the community. This proposal is a disaster in the making.

It is the intention of the community to fight to maintain a golf course, maintain the neighborhood and save what is one of the last large green spaces in Tempe. This historic and iconic location cannot become yet another casualty of unchecked development at the expense of the citizens of Tempe.

The Shalimar Association is mobilizing all stakeholders to oppose rezoning of the Shalimar Golf Course property. We need your support and help.

The first step is to make sure the leadership and decision makers of Tempe are made aware of the larger community opinion and expectations. Your voice matters!

Please visit our website for more advocacy tools

Get Involved! We need your help!

  • Volunteers to attend city council meetings to voice opposition to rezoning.
  • Attendance at community meetings regarding the Shalimar Golf Course property.
  • Volunteers to help with both online and in person petitions.
  • Volunteers to distribute information to stakeholders (Neighbors, Family, Friends, Homeowners, Business Owners, Golfers, Citizens of Tempe, and Friends of the Shalimar Golf Course Community).
  • Subject Matter Experts in the areas of: Legal, Website/Data Management, Social Media, Communications, Volunteer Management, Advocacy, Public Relations, Engagement with City and Elected Officials, Experience with similar organized campaigns.
  • Financial support – donations of any denomination. Will be used for costs associated with opposing rezoning of the golf course.

Tell us how you can help! Reach out with questions, comments, and concerns at: info@saveshalimar.com

Thank you for your support!

Shalimar Association Board of Directors


Status Update – July 2024

We are reaching out to provide an update on The Shalimar Golf Course and encourage community participation at this critical point. The developer’s preliminary plans have been issued and the city’s review process is underway. We need all the help we can get to fight their proposed high-density development project.

Our update includes the facts, their plans, our position, and most importantly a list of volunteer opportunities to supplement our ongoing efforts. If you, or anyone you know, can support the cause, please reach out at info@saveshalimar.com.

Stay tuned for more updates including a time for the next neighborhood meeting to organize our efforts in the fight to keep Shalimar green!

The Shalimar Association

Tempe Tribune Story on Shalimar Golf Course

Recently the Tempe Tribune published an article about the Shalimar Golf Course. This article supplies the most information we have been able to obtain to date. Sounds like the developer is going to start soliciting community support this summer. This is where we need your help.


Advocacy Alert – PROP 487 2050 General Plan

The 2050 General Plan states Tempe is emerging from a historically agricultural area to an urban community surrounded by other communities. This evaluation has resulted in a loss for open space, increase in building mass, and an increase in asphalt and concrete. Research is showing that there is a direct correlation between denser land uses and less vegetation on the micro-climate of a desert city. Heat islands occur where heat builds-up without a corresponding natural cooling. Ambient temperatures impact the use of outdoor space and exacerbate the energy consumption necessary to maintain comfort, thus further contributing to heat gain. One of their goals is to invest in people, programs and infrastructure to reduce carbon emissions and protect the community from the negative impacts of rising temperatures.

The Shalimar Association is encouraging all Tempe Residents to review the 2050 General Plan to see how it will affect your neighborhood and VOTE March 12th, as the City Council promotes High-Density Low-Income Housing, and this appears to be a conflict with their mission statement and the need for Open Space.


This being said, the density for Shalimar Golf Course has not been changed from the 2040 General Plan to the 2050 General Plan and we have confirmed with Mayor Woods and Candidates Nikki Amberg, David Lucier, and Hugo Tapia that they are against the changing of the current zoning of the golf course. The Shalimar Association will plan a meeting with the new incumbents after the election.

Annual Meeting of the Shalimar Association

Annual meeting of the Shalimar Association will be held on Wednesday, October 25, 2023,  6:00 PM

Location:  The Church of the Epiphany
2222 South Price Road, Tempe, Arizona, 85282

(southwest corner of East Concorda and South Price Road)

Mayor Corey Woods will be at Shalimar Club House Monday Oct.  9th 5.30 -7 PM to talk about Shalimar…  and to take questions…  

I’m guessing in response to all your emails…  Good Job…

He probably wants to tell you what he told me last week… that the City has no stomach to try and change the Shalimar zoning.
But I think it would be worth checking out his thoughts in person…

Thank you again…

Brian Lester, President