Shalimar Neighborhood Association

Purpose of the Shalimar Association

To Protect the Shalimar Neighborhood Covenant, in alignment with the City of Tempe guiding principles for the General Plan 2050 including: balanced land use; enhanced quality of life, preservation of neighborhood character and tangible pieces of cultural or historic importance; increased economic vitality; enhanced mobility for all; and sustainability and environmental stewardship that includes adaptation and management of climate change and extreme heat. Elevate Tempe as the regional leader in urban living as a desirable place to live, work and play

Stop the Rezoning!

Today, we find ourselves in a situation where this beloved green space is once again in danger. With the restrictive covenant on the Shalimar Golf Course set to expire at the beginning of 2025, the current owners have entered into a purchase sale agreement with a developer. The developer has submitted preliminary plans to the City of Tempe that would bring high-density housing with the destruction of the property as we all know it. The current property is zoned AG, with a 1 home per acre density. The developer needs the city to approve a rezoning to proceed with their financial plans, which would far exceed and greatly expand the current zoning limitations. The property is privately owned, and the owners are entitled to sell. What no one is entitled to is to destroy a unique, historic and vital community asset at the expense and impact of thousands of community stakeholders. There are options to resolve this to benefit the current owners and the larger community. This begins with Opposition to Rezoning by the community. Which is the current focus of the Shalimar Association.
The Shalimar Country Club is a popular nine-hole golf course boasting of three par 3's and six par 4's for a total yardage of almost 2,500 yards. Number five features a 155 yard par 3 with a carry over the areas' biggest lake to a well-bunkered, narrow green. The ninth hole is famous with its island green surrounded by water and 4 bunkers.
The Shalimar Association is not part of the Shalimar Country Club but as home owners, we want to see this golf course prosper. We highly encourage to you to visit this great facility. Click Here...